Yowlink is a free network

Welcome to Yowlink, the network that helps you connect, collaborate, and cooperate with people all around the world with ties to/interests in the English-speaking Caribbean: the people, our culture, music, interests, and businesses, etc.

Yowlink is always Free.  Anyone can join.  You may do so in one of 3 ways:

  • Login with your facebook account by clicking [Login with Facebook] button to the right (5 seconds)
  • Login with Twiter account by clicking [Sign In with Twitter] button to the right (5 seconds)
  • Create a new Yowlink Account and activate it, then use that to sign in (30 seconds)

Login now and start connecting.

Go to Yowlink Groups and join a group or create one… That’s a start.

Upon Logging in

After logging in, you have access to the entire site:

At any time, you may click your name to get to your profile area (or click the links at the top of each page to see details about the site).
When you click your name, you get to the profile/user area.

  1. You may change your password (only changes your Yowlink password)
  2. If you click the facebook or twitter buttons to sign in, you have 2 options:
    • continue to sign in that way each time you visit.  This is the easier option.
    • on your Yowlink profile, you change your password so you will be able to login using the regular Yowlink username and password.  Your username is visible in your profile.  It is not be your e-mail address which is optional.

What Else Can I do in my profile?

You may join or create groups and forums.

A new group may be one of your old community, school, business, faith, religion, political views, etc., and may be public, private, or hidden.  Public groups can be joined by anyone, and private ones must be accepted by that group admin(s).   A few examples: you may create a group to discuss the following (if one doesn’t exist):

  1. your country’s politics or Caribbean or world politics
  2. your faith or religion if another doesn’t exist
  3. the economy
  4. past student (old boy / girl) or alumni association
  5. impoverished communities
  6. people waste too much time on the computer

You may contribute comments / opinions / news to the groups.  You may collaborate on ideas

Existing groups that you join, or the new group you create allow you to add comments.  If you have a twitter account related to that group, you may add the twitter account and the tweets auto-magically (automatically) comes into Yowlink.

You may send friend requests to people from high school, college,  old jobs, the old neighborhood.

This is just like facebook, for those who have used facebook before.  You find the person and click [Add friend].  When the person logs in and gets to his/her profile area, the person may choose to accept your friendship invite or deny.

Chat (bottom of screen) is a functional but is a work-in-progress (names, etc.)

The chat currently allows you to talk to anyone on the site.  It is a work-in-progress.  Your default (anonymous) name remains unless you change it.  We plan to fix that soon as we have received many complaints.  The plan is, once you sign it, the chat will display your name or username without you having to change the anonymous (alias).

You may send private message (PM) to people on the site, without abusing that option.


You may create or respond to posts or people’s comments.


You may create links, including video or image links

This may be youtube or other videos, pictures, links, etc. and you may vote-up/down your and existing links.

You may create events.  For example:

  1. you are celebrating your birthday and want to invite your friends in an easy manner
  2. your new business opens on a certain day and you want to let everyone know.
  3. there is a party / session / lime happening in your community.
  4. and other appropriate events / notices.  We will not approve or delete events that violate Yowlink’s Terms of Use or Privacy Policy.

If you have an iPhone or iPod, you can use Yowlink.com.  Currently we only support those mobile devices.

Thank you for reading this.  This is more than enough to get you going.  You will be able to navigate and find all the other options available.  Keep in mind we notify you when we add big features.  However, we improve the site perpetually.



