New Look to Yowlink

Returning visitors and members will notice the new look to Yowlink.  We worked hard to get it to this state.  We feel it’s easier to use right now.

The Changes

The entire layout has changed for the better.  For intance:

  1. The login is now on the right hand side not at the top corner.
  2. The logged-in users’ avatar (if one’s associated with the login) is larger than before.
  3. The [f  Connect] button was replaced with a more meaningful button (Login with Facebook).
  4. Those who log into Yowlink with their facebook accounts get the option to post from Yowlink to Facebook when they write to their wall.
  5. When you visit your “user” area by clicking your name, you will notice that there is a number next to each item.  See the image below

 Notice that you still have the items you had before but they are more accessible, tell you more information, and make more sense.  For example, at anytime , if I click my name upon logging in, I will be routed to my user screen part of which is displayed in the image.  What mine tells me is:

  • Profile – I can access my profile and view / change it.
  • Blogs(2) – I am administrator or owner of 2 blogs.
  • Messages or Messages(0) – I have no unread private messages
  • Friends(21) – I have 21 friends on Yowlink
  • Groups(9) – I am subscribed to 9 groups on Yowlink.
  • Settings – I can change my e-mail address and/or password at any time.

NOTE:  Your view would be different.  You see your current setup.

We would love feedback on the new layout.

More Changes To Come

This layout will be around for a while unless we get many complaints that you hate it.  So far, we have gotten good feedback  However, we plan to add new features to make your “One Caribbean” experience a much better one.

As always, Yowlink is the “One Caribbean” network and ALWAYS FREE so tell your friends to join and see which of you can get 100 of your friends, classmates, and relatives first to join.  Tell them to add you as a friend when they join.

How To Join The One Caribbean Network (Yowlink)

There are 2 (soon to be 3) ways to join Yowlink network, all FREE of course.

  1. Either Register a new account (click to Create an account)  OR
  2. Click the [Login with Facebook] button if you already have a facebook account.     This is the easiest method.
  • To come:  [Sign in with Twitter] button.  We have it but it’s not 100% perfected yet so we removed that option again.  Please be patient all who have requested this option.

Publicly-displayed User Groups, Forums, and Blogs

Please check out the YOW groupsforums, and YOW blogs by our members.   You may also wish to check out the YOW LinksWhen you are signed in, you can create your own groups, forums, blog, and links, etc.

Most active groups

Most active Forums

Most active Blogs

Thank you.






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