Does Yowlink represent you, the West Indian?

We have an average of over 500 unique visitors to Yowlink daily.  A large percentage of those visitors come from Facebook.  Some are existing members who log in and go about whatever they do on Yowlink.  A few are new sign ups.  However, the majority read posts,  and take the polls, but never log in. 

Please Log in when you visit

Please log in.  Yowlink is FOREVER FREE and SECURE and we RESPECT YOUR PRIVACY. We need your voice and participation to help make Yowlink, our beloved countries, and our people better.  There are 3 ways to login to Yowlink:

  1. If you have a Facebook account, just click the button that pops up and says “The site requres you to  log in”
  2. If you have Twitter, click [Sign in with Twitter] and then enter your credentials in the box that pops up
  3. If you have neither of those, click “create new account”

It really is that simple to join the Yowlink network.

Benefits to Logging in

Many people join social networks because their friend is on or a relative but never go back because they don’t feel it represents them.   Not surprisingly, some members join Yowlink for that very reason.  However, there are much bigger reasons for you and your relatives and friends to join Yowlink than the typical network.  Benefits to logging in when you visit this site include:

  • you immediately find out that Yowlink is ABOUT YOU, the person with Caribbean ties.
  • yowlink is a free network sponsored by businesses run by Caribbean people like you.
  • you are bound to find a friend or relative on here
  • you can create a blog and posts
  • you can communicate with friends or find new friends / like-minded individual
  • you can create groups or join existing groups
  • you can create forums or post to existing forums
  • you can send private messages
  • there are recreational games for when you just want to relax
  • many more features added monthly.  We also take suggestions…

What do you do upon logging in

Many things can be done but here are our recommendations.  First thing you do upon logging in is to click your name to the right-hand side to get to your profile (user) area. 

  • In your user area, navigate around and get used to things
    • You’ll see the your activity stream, profile, private messages, media albums, etc.
    • Click profile and Edit your profile so we know the following information:
      • Country you represent
      • Country you currently live in
      • How did you hear about Yowlink
  • Join a group or two
  • Create your own group if nothing represents you.  A group could be about:
    •  your High School, College, or University,
    • Community
    • Country
    • Crime and Violence
    • Music
    • Social Injustice
    • Prejudices in the Caribbean
    • International Relations
    • etc
  • Tell a few friends and relatives to join you on Yowlink.  VIRAL is the name of the game.  They will tell their friends and so on and so forth.

Thank you for visiting and becoming a member of the “One Caribbean” network.

Talk to us nuh.  Speak your mind.






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