Reggae Boyz play Costa Rica, Peru

The Reggae Boyz play two friendlies at the start of the Jamaican school year. The first game is against Costa Rica at the National Stadium (Jamaica) and the second is at Lockhart Stadium (Fort Lauderdale, Florida).

On Sunday September 5, just before returning to school, students and teachers hope to be wowed by the Boyz when they match up against CONCACAF rivals Costa Rica.

Tuesday evening, September 7, the Boyz face Peru.  This is the first time I can recall Jamaica playing soccer against the South Americans at any level.  It should be an interesting match.  There are a number of Peruvians living in South Florida who will support their team but I expect a more overwhelming support from the Jamaican supporters living in the tri-county areas of Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach, Florida.

Go out and support the Boyz.







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