Yowlink is about great experiences, not abuse…

Warning: If you create an account and log into Yowlink with the intention of breaking ANY of our rules, you will be banned. We don’t just ban your account, we ban your IP address as well. So, please don’t create fake accounts and spam people with canned messages. If you are legitimately trying to meet people, that’s fine. Be sincere.  They can choose to ignore you or respond.  Perhaps you may see a comment from someone who shares similar ideas and you want to “big them up” in a private message.  I’m sure they won’t mind that and we are OK with that.

Yowlink is a Social Network for…

Yowlink is a social network for people with any tie whatsoever to the English-speaking Caribbean and Haiti.

When you visit, invite your friends and relatives so that you will not feel too “alone”. That way, you have people who “got your back” in addition to us (Yowlink administrators).

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

In addition to reading our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on our help page ( Yowlink Help ), I encourage you to read the article ” Yawdies, use common sense on the Internet ” which was written by one of our admins, @csharpe.

What can you do instead of wasting people’s time…

Play some games (Yowlink Games), invite your friends to join you on Yowlink, create a relevant Group, join an existing group and join in the discussions, etc.  That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Thank you very much.

Yowlink Administrator






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