ISSA Boys and Girls Champs 2013

ISSA Boys and Girls Championships 2013

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Ardenne, Campion College, Edwin Allen, Immaculate Conception (ICHS), Kingston College, and others already represent here along with thousands of members from Jamaica and other countries.
Hey Jamaicans around the world, people from Caribbean neighbors, and definitely North Americans, the annual Inter-secondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA) Boys and Girls Athletic Championships (“Champs”) is scheduled for Mar 13 to 16, 2013 at Jamaica National Stadium in Independence Park, Kingston.

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The Jamaican Sprint Factory Showcase

Ahead of the 2013 World Championships, Champs will give a preview to the world of why Jamaica is called the “Sprint Factory”. While the world wondered, US-based schools and colleges have known for quite some time and have even seen the talent first-hand at meets like the Penn Relays, or US inter-collegiate championships.

The Watchers

The keenest international watchers each year remain the American colleges. The American colleges, scouts, and representatives are expected to number a quarter of the grand stands. They know if they luck out they can get a pick of talent that is unprecedented for such a small nation. Jamaica produces the fastest young women and men per 100 of any country in the world.

The US-based colleges and universities continue to watch, and US track officials and agents also. They want to know what is the reason for this level of success at all levels by Jamaicans. For instance, at the Penn Relays this year, the Jamaican schools again dominated.

Wiki & ISSA Page

If you want more background information on Champs, head over to or the Wikipedia page at .

Live Feed

People like me who live out side the island and don’t have the chance to attend the 4-day event must follow it online. Sports Max usually brings the Champs to people around the globe via live Internet stream, but there might not be such luck this year. We will post any links to live feeds for the people living outside Jamaica as we get them.
UPDATE: ISSA is doing their own feed at So far it’s not great. We do hope it gets better.

In any case, will your favorite team win this year? Will my favorite team win? Let time tell. Please use the comment box at the bottom of the page to say your piece. Also vote in the poll above.



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7 responses to “ISSA Boys and Girls Champs 2013”

  1. YOWLink Unnamed Avatar
    YOWLink Unnamed

    @CSharpe, I understand that the feed is at: . Please confirm. Right not it’s not streaming because the events appear to be done for the day.

  2. C. Sharpe Avatar

    Here’s a better feed I should’ve added yesterday:

  3. YOWLink Unnamed Avatar
    YOWLink Unnamed

    The feed at TVJ ( is very good but they sometimes cut away to their regular program at inopportune times.

    Champs Update. After Thursday, It’s:
    (1) KC (2) JC (3) Calabar
    (1) Edwin-Allen (2) St Jago (3) Holmwood Tech

    My understanding is that things will heat up greatly today. I do hope your favorite team does well.

  4. Desai Franklin Avatar

    Fortis Cadere Cedere Non Potest! K.C. mi seh.

  5. Desai Franklin Avatar

    Big ups to Clive Pullen, a true champion at all classes in the field events. Every year KC have a man or two who are exemplary and unbeaten. This guy is another such one.

  6. Desai Franklin Avatar

    In girls Champs is all Edwin Allen
    1) Edwin Allen – 157.5
    2) Holmwood – 118.5
    3) St Jago – 88
    4) Vere – 80
    5) Hydel – 52

    In boys champs is only between KC, JC, and Calabar right now but KC should start pulling away afta di first few finals today still.

    1) JC – 115
    2) KC – 113
    3) C’bar – 110
    4) Wolmaz – 51
    5) Jago – 35

  7. Peta-Gaye French Avatar

    Gallant efforts by Jamaica College and Kingston College but, in the end, it was Calabar winning Boys Championships in style; On the Girls’ side, it was Holmwood Technical overcoming a final day deficit of 48 to regain their lien on the trophy.

    Congrats to both.

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