Happy 51st Anniversary to Jamaica

Happy 51st Independence, JamaicaHappy 51st Independence to Jamaica, and Jamaicans in Jamaica and abroad. On this day, August 6, 1962, Jamaica gained it’s independence from Britain. Let’s grow together, respect each other, and remember that “Jamaica Land We Love“.


Eternal Father bless our land,
Guard us with Thy Mighty Hand,
Keep us free from evil powers,
Be our light through countless hours.
To our Leaders, Great Defender,
Grant true wisdom from above.
Justice, Truth be ours forever,
Jamaica, Land we love.
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love.

Teach us true respect for all,
Stir response to duty’s call, strengthen us the weak to cherish,
Give us vision lest we perish.
Knowledge send us Heavenly Father,
Grant true wisdom from above.
Justice, Truth be ours forever,
Jamaica, land we love.
Jamaica, Jamaica, Jamaica land we love.

National Pledge

Before God and all mankind, I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart, the wisdom and courage of my mind, the strength and vigor of my body in the service of my fellow citizens; I promise to stand up for Justice, Brotherhood and Peace, to work diligently and creatively, to think generously and honestly, so that Jamaica may, under God, increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity, and play her part in advancing the welfare of the whole human race.


I pledge my heart forever
To serve with humble pride
This shining homeland, ever
So long as earth abide.

I pledge my heart, this island
As God and faith shall live
My work, my strength, my love and
My loyalty to give.

O green isle of the Indies,
Jamaica, strong and free,
Our vows and loyal promises
O heartland, ‘tis to Thee.


Jamaica land of beauty, We promise faithfully
To serve thee with our talents and bring our gifts to thee
Jamaica we will always in honour of thy name
Work steadfastly and wisely and never bring thee
ShameFrom riverside to mountain from cane-field to the sea
Our hearts salute Jamaica Triumphant, proud and free,

Together in our country, In love and brotherhood
We’ll work and play in freedom, as all god’s children should
With hearts and hands united, In thanks for everything
That God has giv’n unto us, together let us sing
From riverside to mountain from cane-field to the sea
Our hearts salute Jamaica, Triumphant, proud and free.



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One response to “Happy 51st Anniversary to Jamaica”

  1. C. Sharpe Avatar

    Happy Independence anniversary to you Jamaicans and Jamaica. May God bless us that we strive to love God, and love our neighbors as ourselves – 2 great commandments that allow us to observe the other 8 commandments because when we love God and our neighbors, we will not kill/murder them, steal from them, nor covet their property or wives/husbands, and so on and so forth…

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