Caribbean Pro Soccer League?

You may recall my article Reggae Boyz Banking on Long Shot on Jamaica’s penultimate game versus Costa Rica where I outlined how Jamaica could qualify.  You already know that Jamaica didn’t qualify.  In response to some comments to the articles, I posted the following:

C. Sharpe said on October 15, 2013

If Captain Burrell does go, which I am not against, Jamaica NEEDS to have someone qualified and vetted to take over his position, who can also raise interest and money for Jamaican football (soccer). In other words, Jamaicans cannot force Burrell out just to put “Joe Shmoe” in. That does NOT guarantee success.

I too have been disappointed with this World Cup 2014 qualification campaign that saw Jamaica’s Reggae Boyz (1) fail to qualify for the 2013 CONCACAF Gold Cup, (2) fail to use local players, sometimes as few as 2, (3) fail to get quality practice matches, (4) fail to get adequate practice matches, (4) fail to get enough warm-up time for the overseas players, often flying the largely UK-based squad in 2-3 days prior to each match, (5) fail to score goals – 5 in 10 games, (6) lose 5 matches and draw 5 – resulting in ONLY 5 points, and (7) ultimately fail miserably in their World Cup qualification bid. In the process, Theodore Whitmore was “resigned” (fired) by Burrell after 6 matches and 2 points. I too would like to see new, practical management of football (soccer) in Jamaica where we start NOW with the Manning Cup/ DaCosta Cup youngsters out of Jamaica, and the younger local Reggae Boyz, perhaps a 30-player squad that does inter-squad scrummages, plays against local teams, and have international friendlies. After 2 years, add 2-3 European based position players and 2-3 US-based (MLS) players to round out the final 20 man squad for World Cup 2018 qualification. In lieu of an MLS-like professional soccer league in Jamaica or the Caribbean which requires a LOT of money/investment, that’s the simplest but BEST OPTION to see improvements in Jamaican soccer.

If there’s someone who subscribes to that philosophy, then that person would be a welcome replacement for Captain Burrell.

Fast-foward a week after I posted the above and discussed the need for such a league like the new CPL (Caribbean Premier [Cricket] League). It seems like my soccer circles (like Courtney, Dwaine, and Mike) are not the only ones who agree with me.  Others are now calling for the same type of league to improve soccer in the Caribbean. The main issue will be getting proper sponsors.

Tokyo Sexwale (former SA political prisoner) to fire up CONCACAF Summit

FIFA Executive urges Caribbean Pro soccer league

Soccer Caribbean could have a professional league in 3-4 years – Webb (CONCACAF President)

Webb urges for Caribbean Pro League

Shared Goals – CONCACAF Summit targets co-operation, integration in changing world

Check out those articles to see that the movement might be on the way to get a pro league into the Caribbean in 3 years.  It would be cool if someone high-profile takes the initiative as Khan did for the successful inaugural CPL Cricket (2013) and get a league started by 2016.  Let’s not fall asleep on this one. You can bet former WC qualifiers Haiti, Jamaica, and T&T can call benefit from this league. However, teams like Barbados, Guyana, Puerto Rico, and Cuba would also benefit greatly from such a league. Bring it on!!!






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