Jamaica’s Andre Russell could face 2 year ban

Andre Russell, who reportedly missed 3 doping tests within a 12 month period, could face a 2 year ban from cricket… We will update you as this story progresses.

This could be huge trouble for the West Indies if Russell is banned as the World T20 competition is coming up and Russell is one of the West Indies best players and, arguably, one of the best players/all-rounders in T20 cricket today.






One response to “Jamaica’s Andre Russell could face 2 year ban”

  1. The Unnamed Avatar
    The Unnamed

    Apparently Russell is not suspended… yet. The statement from Jamaica Anti Doping Comission (JADCO) was ‘The Jamaica Anti-Doping Commission has referred the matter regarding Mr Andre Russell to the Independent Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel… The commission is awaiting a date for the hearing. Mr Russell has not been provisionally suspended.’ So, it seems Russell will play in the current World T20s.

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