Donald J Trump shocks many, wins the 2016 Presidential elections

USA Elections 2016 - Donald Trump wins over Hillary ClintonIn the United States Presidential Elections 2016, Donald Trump came out victorious, winning many states often won by Democrats.

Trump, a Republican closed in on the polls but many still had Hillary Clinton winning the elections. However, last night, after most of the votes were counted, it was Donald Trump who won fairly convincingly…

Here’s the deal however. He didn’t win the overall popular vote, though he won via the “Electoral College”.

People of the United States, what do you think about this?

What about you, Jamaicans, Trinbagonians, Bajans, Guyanese, Bahamians, Haitians?

I imagine many of you have something to say.






One response to “Donald J Trump shocks many, wins the 2016 Presidential elections”

  1. The Unnamed Avatar
    The Unnamed

    Wow! I guess many of you are still shell-shocked or celebrating.

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