Cavs swept in NBA finals; Where does Lebron go from here?

If you are even remotely a basketball fan, you know that the Cleveland Cavaliers were swept by the Golden State Warriors led by finals MVP Kevin Durant.

The Cavs were huge underdogs going into game one of the series. Most NBA analysts and serious fans had GSW winning in 4 or 5. As it turns out they were right but one would not know it while watching game one.

Even I was surprised how game one was going. Cleveland was on their way to a surprising game one victory, I thought, when a debatable offensive foul call in the last part of 4th quarter against Kevin Durant was then reviewed and overturned. The decision to overturn the “charge” put things back in perspective that the Warriors would win game one.

That changed again when Hill of Cleveland had 2 free throws with his team down one point and just under 5 seconds left in the gsme. But he missed the second free throw with both teams tied.

Things changed yet again when Tristan Thompson got the rebound of Hill’s missed free throw to JR Smith. Timeout ! Put back! Get the ball to James! No. He did none of those. He ran the clock out. I was shocked. In game two, the Warriors fans mocked JR Smith chanting “M-V-P! M-V-P!” .

I knew James was almost done after the reversal of the “charge” call. At the end of regulation and going into overtime, with all the event of the call reversal and JR Smith’s “decision”, James was clearly overly frustrated. He had completely checked out. I felt there was no chance of the Cavaliers winning in overtime and I was right. They lost game one, and were swept 4-0 in the series, despite three brilliant games from James.

At the end of the series, Lebron revealed he basically played the last three games with  [what felt like] a broken hand after game one when he punched a whiteboard in frustration.

Whether Lebron is telling the truth or not, except for game four of the finals, he had the most amazing playoff performances I have ever seen only to lose like that against a powerful Warriors team.

What next for Lebron?

Lebron became a villain when, as a free agent 8 yesrs ago, he decided to go  to the  Miami Heat and his image has not recovered since.

All speculation since the beginning of this season after Kyrie Irving left for Boston has been that Lebron would leave Cleveland. Those speculations have built up more and more and more. Many have made predictions as well, even giving scenarios.

What do you think Lebron does after this? Does he stay? If he goes, where? What will be the comments based on his decisions?

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