Descendants of slaves in Caribbean and Reparations

For the past few years, there are small groups increasingly speaking up for “reparations” for slavery in the USA and in the Caribbean.

Are descendants of the slaves owed reparations?

Listen to this short audio on NPR ( National Public Radio ) in the USA that aired this morning (Wed April 26) about “reparations” in the English-speaking Caribbean.

The reporter interviewed 2 British citizens, one related to King Charles, who don’t take responsibility for slavery but admit they benefitted because their ancestors were slave & plantation owners who got lots of money from Britain and the Crown after the abolishment of slavery. As such, they both felt they had to responsibility to contribute to some people who might’ve been impacted in their own way.

Are descendants of the slaves owed reparations? If so, why? If not, why? Talk to me nuh!


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