Humongous salary increases for Jamaican poli-tri-ticians

Yow! Good day everyone!

Jamaican politicians have increased their salaries massively. Former Munro, UWI, and Oxford man and current Minister of Finance and Public Services, Nigel Clarke, made the announcements and justifications yesterday (May 16, 2023).

Some Facts

2021 GDP Per CapitaAccording to the World Bank, the Jamaican GDP per capita for 2021 was at 5,183.6 USD. In comparison, below are the GDP of a few other countries (USD):

  • Barbados – 17,225.50
  • Canada – 51,987.90
  • Cuba – 9,499.60
  • Dominican Republic – 8,476.80
  • Guyana – 9,998.50
  • Haiti – 1,829.60
  • Singapore – 72,794.00
  • Trinidad & Tobago – 16,032.50
  • UK – 46,510.30
  • USA – 70,248.60

May 10, 2023 – US Department of State updated travel advisory to Jamaica to a 3 (Reconsider travel), the 2nd worst possible advisory. With the influence the US wields in the world, this is terrible news for the small island that depends a lot on tourism.

The reasons, as summarized on the State department web site are:

Keep in mind, we can appeal to criminals to stop but criminals will NOT stop just because we appeal to them… Their minds are warped. They are corrupt. Therefore, residents / citizens of and visitors to Jamaica depend on the government to help keep them safe from these criminals who, sadly, tarnish the name of the beautiful island in the sun.

Of course, some youtubers, musicians, poli-tricksters in the JLPNP and UIC will say that some high ranking government, police and military officials are criminals themselves or harbor some of the criminals so they cannot enforce the law because they’d have to “turn themselves and their friends in to be prosecuted“.

May 16, 2023 – Only six (6) days after the “Reconsider travel [to Jamaica]” advisory, Jamaican poli-tricksters raised their salaries 100% – 300% effective this year through April 2025 ( about the time Jamaica is expected to become a “Republic” ).

Due to inflation, salary increase for the government makes sense as it does for the general working public. But, 100% – 300% !!! Did Jamaica increase their GDP per capita 100% – 300% in 2022 or Q1 of 2023? If anyone is aware, please comment and share supporting links, not just opinions.


Many groups have gone on strike or threatened strike for salary increases in Jamaica in the past 12 months alone. Some got small increases while others got none and were told to “go hol’ [dem] corner” so to speak.

Clarke did point out that senior leaderships of the police, teachers/educators, and nurses will have increases. However, how do we reconcile these large increases with the following non-senior leaderships in the following areas?

  • Education : teachers and educators
  • Nursing : Nurses
  • Law enforcement – police, JCF, etc.
  • Military – soldiers

If you are aware of what the non senior leadership will get within those professions, please share links to the documents in comment.

Your thoughts…




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