
  • Net Neutrality overturned

    Net Neutrality overturned December 16, 2017 posted by csharper in Articles On Thursday, December 14, a day that Millennials and others rue, the Feds (the FCC) voted 3-2 as expected, to overturn it’s Net Neutrality rules put in under the Obama administration. What is Net Neutrality? This was the rule where Internet service providers (ISPs)…

  • Did the marriage I predicted come true?

    Way back in 2001, 3 years before Ubuntu [Linux] distribution based on Debian Linux was released, I wrote an article entitled Let’s Marry Linux to Windows and got mixed reaction. Some people thought it was a good idea. Others thought it was a terrible idea that would never happen. Well, fast forward 15 years and not…

  • Let us marry Linux to Windows

    We have watched Linux (procnounced Lin-uks), the pride and joy of Linus Torvalds, grow up into a beautiful, well-respected person… escuse me … piece of operating software. Windows, the stallion of Microsoft’s Bill Gates, gives the notion of being mature on the personal computer platform for quite some time now. He (Windows) has basically been…